Tea Party

Dollfie® and their Owners' Contests

Tea Party Theme:

Retro Americana

Embrace the feeling of vintage diners, classic cars, and nostalgic pop culture.
Would you like to enter your Dollfie® in a contest!?
There will be a Dollfie® Owners Best Dressed Contest, too!

Dollfie® Customize Contest

The Dollfie® Customize Contest is a special event to decide the best dressed-up Dollfie® at the Tea Party!
The contest winner will be chosen by the audience and will receive a special prize that's presented by VOLKS!
Dress up your beloved Dollfie® and impress fellow tea party attendees in style!

*Contest schedule will be announced later.

Dollfie customize contest
*The image is from the past Dolpa in LA 2019.

Entry Steps

1 Let’s sign up to enter the Dollfie® contest at registration!
  • Entry is one Dollfie® per person.
  • Space is very limited; we may have to turn down entries in case of maxed participants.

2 Let’s exhibit your Dollfie®!
  • Please exhibit your Dollfie® in any place you like and wherever you feel confident.
  • Please make sure that your entry number tag is visible next to your Dollfie®!

3 Winning announcement on stage!
  • Winners will have their submitted pennames announced.
    Please make your way towards the stage once your name is announced.

Terms and Conditions

  • As long as your SDs and DDs are following the theme, they can be entered with their default VOLKS make-up or custom make-up. (Dollfie® entries with no make-up, sanding, and putty will not be accepted.)
  • We have the right to refuse any entries that do not follow the guidelines of the contest and/or is deemed inappropriate.
  • For all participants, please come pick up your Dollfie® after the voting period has ended.

How to Vote

Let's vote for participating Dollfie®!

  • You will receive a voting paper upon admission. (One vote per person.)
  • Please vote for your favorite Dollfie®.

Dollfie® Owners Best Dressed Contest

As mentioned earlier, this event is not limited to just Dollfie®! You can be crowned as the best dressed Dollfie® owner that night!

Please obtain contestant badges to join this event, and audiences will decide the No.1 dressed person based on the Tea Party's theme! Of course, a special prize will be prepared for the winner as well!

Dress up alongside your beloved Dollfie® and impress fellow tea party attendees!

Dollfie owners best dressed contest
*The image is from the past Dolpa in LA 2019.

Entry Steps

  1. Please make an entry at our reception counter on the day of the event.
  2. Our VOLKS staff will take a picture of you and provide you with a number tag.
  3. Please be sure to put it on you and wear it on a visible spot during the event.